Here's another personal finance tip to follow all the other credit card sign on bonus posts, current bank savings interest rates are at its all time high again. Many online banks are offering over 4% interest compared to big brick and mortar banks that give only 0.25%. Don't let your money depreciate with inflation! Two of my favorite online banks right now are Ally and Marcus by Goldman Sachs. Currently Marcus by Goldman Sachs is offering a 4.40% APY. And if you're new to the bank, you can use my referral link to give you an extra 1% for 3 months, that's 5.40% APY. Marcus is an online savings account so you will not be able to withdraw cash from it. Best paired with another bank like Ally that provides you with a debit card so you can withdraw funds. You will still be able to withdraw by transferring money electronically from Marcus to any other bank institution. I personally feel like Marcus is a good place to put your emergency funds. This is the little nest ...